Type 9 Examples

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The Type 9 has a double circle, the two circles spaced far apart, and the ship's name between them at the top. There are the usual slots in the center for date slugs, but there are no killer bars.


The following cancel is classified as Type 9


The following cancel is classified as Type 9v

The "v" variation indicates that the text "Registered" appears in the dial.


The following cancel is classified as Type 9x (C)

The "x" variation indicates that the text "Parcel Post" appears in the dial. The "C" variation indicates that there is a period after the ship's name.


The following cancel is classified as Type 9efw

The "e" variation indicates that the text "Br" appears in the dial. The "f" variation indicates that the text "New York N.Y." appears in the dial in addition to the ship's name. The "w" variation indicates that the text "MOB" (money order business) appears in the dial.


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