Naval Cover Museum
The Universal Ship Cancellation Society (USCS) Naval Cover Museum is a virtual museum that exists only on the Internet. Our mission is to provide a central place where collectors of Naval Covers can pool their resources to increase the knowledge and understanding of this hobby. As there are literally millions of Naval Covers encompassing tens of thousands of different postmarks and cachets, it is necessary to amass a sufficient number of samples to identify, establish and/or improve the classifications and patterns related to various aspects of Naval Covers - or just to know what exists.
To achieve this goal, the Museum is set up as a wiki. Wiki sites allow visitors to directly update the web pages and add / edit content. This means that anyone can add images of their Naval Covers to the Museum, by themselves, at any time. All they have to do is click on the Edit tab of the given page, make the changes, preview the updates, and when finished, save it. This wiki also provides a discussion page associated with each regular page (article) that allows visitors to discuss and debate topics relevant to that article page.
However, in order to maintain some control and avoid vandalism, only authorized users who are logged in can edit pages. To obtain a free userid, contact the Museum Curator. You do not need a userid for viewing the pages, only for editing. In fact, even visitors who have a userid should not log in unless they plan to make updates - page retrieval is slower if you are logged in.
The Museum collection consists of scanned images of Naval Covers or parts of Naval Covers and is accessed via several indexes. These indexes allow quick access to Naval Covers associated with ships, naval installations, cachet makers, cachet categories, and other miscellaneous categories. Note that the collection is a work-in-progress and will continue to add new images at a steady rate. Do NOT assume that what you see here is all that there is.
If you add your own covers or knowledge to the Museum, please feel free to include your name in our list of contributors.
Copyright 2025 Naval Cover Museum