Pitney Bowes Meter Examples

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A postage meter is a device that produces an imprint that is a substitute for both the postmark and postage stamp.

The PB code identifies the meter manufacturer: Pitney Bowes The letter O before a meter classification indicates that the meter text includes "U.S. OFFICIAL MAIL."


Curator note: There appears to be some variation within the different meter code styles and some meters show characteristics of more than one code style (see notes below for examples). Until a comprehensive survey of the various meter styles is performed, and reforms, if any, are enacted, we will defer to the meter classifications listed in the USCS Postmark Catalog. See the Catalog of United States Naval Postmarks published by the Universal Ship Cancellation Society for more information.


Code PB1

The USCS Postmark Catalog lists only one ship, USS Midway (CV-41), as having used a Meter PB1 postmark.


USCS Postmark Catalog Illustration.


Code PB2


The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB2 (#3351870) ZIP 09513.

Note that this PB2 postmark is slightly different than the example shown in the USCS Postmark Catalog. In the catalog example, the meter identifier has a tall "PB" and then to the right are two lines: the upper one with "METER" and the lower one with the meter number. In the above example, the "PB" is on the upper line with "METER" and the meter number is below.


Code PB3


The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB3 (#3303784) FPO 96629 1994

Note that this PB3 postmark shows elements of both PB2 and PB3. It has the same style of meter identification (ie, "PB" plus "METER" and meter number) as a PB3. However, the style of lettering for "U.S. POSTAGE" in the postage amount box as well as the style of wavy lines and postage amount is more like a PB2.


Code PB4


The following postmark is classified as Meter PB4 (#7153193) FPO AE/09545 no ship's name 1994. This postmark matches the example PB4 given in the USCS Postmark Catalog.


The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB4 (#5444976) ZIP 34091

Note that this PB4 postmark shows some elements of PB3, some elements of PB4, and some unique elements. It has the same style of meter identifier (ie, "PB" plus "METER" and meter number) and the same style of wavy lines and postage amount as a PB3. However, the "U.S. POSTAGE" text is at the bottom of the postage amount box like a PB4. This example is not clean enough to determine if the amount of space between the eagle and the dial is closer to a PB3 or PB4. Finally, there is a line above "U.S. POSTAGE" which is not seen in any of the examples in the USCS Postmark Catalog.


Code PB5


The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB5 (#PB8516242) ZIP 96663 (USS Denver)

The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB5 (#PB8690309) ZIP 96678-1187 (USS Shiloh)

This is a variation of PB5 in which the ships name and hull number appear to the left of the meter.


Code PB6


The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB6 (#0001939570) ZIP 34091 (USS Hue City)

Pitney-Bowes meter with a stylized eagle and a quick release (QR) code.

The following postmark is classified in the USCS Postmark Catalog as Meter PB6(F) (#0001939541) ZIP 09524 (USS Harry S. Truman)
This is a variation of PB6 in which the American flag or Holiday appear to the left of the meter. Adding a pictorial feature to the meter adds the "F" (Fancy) to the coding.

Code OPB1 The USCS Postmark Catalog shows an example of a Meter OPB1 postmark but no ships are listed as having used it.


USCS Postmark Catalog Illustration.


Code OPB2


USCS Postmark Catalog Illustration.


Code OPB3

The USCS Postmark Catalog lists only one ship, USS Puget Sound (AD-38), as having used a Meter OPB3 postmark. However, the catalog does not provide an example that shows what the meter postmark looks like.


Example Needed.


Code OPB4

The USCS Postmark Catalog lists only one ship, USS Puget Sound (AD-38), as having used a Meter OPB4 postmark. However, the catalog does not provide an example that shows what the meter postmark looks like.


Example Needed.


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