Page Design Ship Owner and Function Labels

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The following labels are used in the 'Ship Name and Designation History' section of a Ship Page.

There are two cases where a label is added to the ship name:

  1. When the ship is owned by some entity other than the U.S. Navy (ie a foreign navy, commercial service, etc)
         Examples: TCG GIRESUN F-491 (Turkish Naval Service); ARCADIA (Commercial Service); HMS READING G-71 (British Naval Service)

  2. When the ship is owned by the U.S. Navy but only a name -or- a vague designation is provided.

    In the case of a name without a designation, we add the label to help distinguish this ship from other ships with the same name.
    The goal is to not have any ship names without either a designation or a label.
         Examples: USS DETROIT (Sloop of War); USS CELTIC (Stores Ship); USS CHARLESTON (Receiving Ship)

    In the case of a vague designation, we add a label to identify it as a U.S. Navy or U.S. Coast Guard ship.
         Examples: USS B-1 (Submarine); ACV-03 (Air Cushion Vehicle); CG 65602 (U.S. Coast Guard)

For case 1, the following values are currently used by the Museum:

(Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force)
(Australian Army Service)
(Australian Naval Service)
(Austro-Hungarian Naval Service)
(Argentine Naval Service)
(Azerbaijan Naval Service)
(Bahamas Naval Service)
(Bahrain Naval Service)
(Bangladesh Naval Service)
(Brazilian Naval Service)
(British Naval Service)
(Burmese Naval Service)
(Cambodian Naval Service)
(Canadian Air Force Service)
(Canadian Naval Service)
(Chilean Naval Service)
China - Nationalist --> use (Republic of China Naval Service) for 1912-1949, (Taiwanese Naval Service) for 1949-present
China - Communist --> use (People's Republic of China Naval Service) for 1949-present
(Colombian Naval Service)
(Costa Rican Naval Service)
(Cuban Coast Guard Service)
(Cuban Naval Service)
(Danish Naval Service)
(Dominican Republic Naval Service)
(Dutch Naval Service)
(Ecuadoran Naval Service)
(Egyptian Naval Service)
(Estonian Coast Guard Service)
(French Naval Service)
(Georgian Coast Guard) Republic of Georgia
(Georgian Naval Service)
Germany - Imperial --> use (Imperial German Naval Service)
Germany - Nazi --> use (Nazi Germany Naval Service)
Germany - West --> use (West German Naval Service)
(Ghana Naval Service)
(Greek Naval Service)
(Haitian Naval Service)
(Honduran Naval Service)
(Imperial German Naval Service)
(Imperial Japanese Naval Service)
(Imperial Russian Naval Service)
(Indian Naval Service)
(Indonesian Naval Service)
(Iranian Naval Service)
(Israeli Naval Service)
(Italian Naval Service)
(Jamaican Naval Service)
(Japanese Naval Service)
Japan - Self-Defense Forces --> use (Japanese Naval Service)
Japan - Imperial --> use (Imperial Japanese Naval Service)
(Malaysian Naval Service)
(Marshall Islands Naval Service)
(Mexican Naval Service)
(Micronesian Naval Service)
(Moroccan Naval Service)
(Nazi Germany Naval Service)
(New Zealand Naval Service)
(Nigerian Naval Service)
(Norwegian Naval Service)
(Pakistani Naval Service)
(Panamanian Naval Service)
(Peoples Republic of China Naval Service)
(Peruvian Naval Service)
(Philippine Naval Service)
(Polish Naval Service)
(Portuguese Naval Service)
(Republic of China Naval Service)
(Republic of Fiji Naval Service)
Russia - Imperial --> use (Imperial Russian Naval Service)
Russia - USSR --> use (Soviet Union Naval Service)
(Singapore Naval Service)
(South Korean Naval Service)
(South Vietnamese Naval Service)
(Soviet Union Naval Service)
(Spanish Naval Service)
(Taiwanese Naval Service)
(Thailand Naval Service)
(Trinidad & Tobago Naval Service)
(Tunisian Naval Service)
(Turkish Naval Service)
(Ukrainian Naval Service)
(Uruguayan Naval Service)
USSR --> use (Soviet Union Naval Service)
(Venezuelan Naval Service)
(Vietnamese Naval Service)
(West German Naval Service)

For case 2, the following values are currently used by the Museum:

(Air Cushion Vehicle)
(Auxiliary Cruiser)
(Auxiliary Repair Ship)
(Barracks Ship)
(Bunker Ship)
(Cargo Ship)
(Degaussing Ship)
(Destroyer Tender)
(Distilling Ship)
(Dynamite Gun Cruiser)
(Fleet Oiler)
(Fleet Tug)
(Ironclad Steamer)
(Marine Hospital Service)
(Missile Instrumentation Ship)
(Museum Ship)
(Patrol Boat)
(Patrol Craft)
(Patrol Yacht)
(Protected Cruiser)
(Receiving Ship)
(Remotely Operated Vehicle)
(Research Submersible)
(Research Vessel)
(School Ship)
(Screw Frigate)
(Screw Gunboat)
(Screw Sloop)
(Screw Sloop of War)
(Screw Steamer)
(Second-Class Battleship)
(Ship of the Line)
(Side-wheel Gunboat)
(Side-wheel Ram)
(Side-wheel Steamer)
(Sloop of War)
(Station Ship)
(Station and Store Ship)
(Steam Frigate)
(Steam Tug)
(Stern-wheel Steamer)
(Stores Ship)
(Submarine Tender)
(Submarine Torpedo Boat)
(Survey Ship)
(Target Ship)
(Target Towing Ship)
(Torpedo Boat Tender)
(Training Ship)
(Unarmored Cruiser) aka unprotected cruiser
(Underwater Recovery Vehicle)
(Unmanned Surface Vehicle)
(War Reparations Prize)
(Water Tanker and Supply Ship)


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