Other US Navy Index Page Template

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After you add a new category to the Other U.S. Navy category index pages, the link will appear in red if no page exists for that link. To create the page, click on the link and the editor will appear. To make the process easier and maintain consistency, copy and paste the following template (all the text inside the box just below with the border made out of blue dashes) into the editor and make appropriate modifications as described below. Note that this template is for use when the new category page will only contain a list of sub-categories. If the page is to contain images of covers related to that category, then use Other U.S. Navy Page Template.

<!-- How to edit this page:

 For detailed information on editing this page, click the "How To Edit Pages" 
 link in the navigation bar and look for the article on "Editing Other U.S. Navy 
 Index Pages". If you run into trouble or need to do something a little more 
 complicated, contact the Curator for help.

 Don't forget to preview the page before saving it and please add a short 
 description of the change in the Summary text box just above the Save / Show 
 buttons at the bottom of the page. A short description would be something 
 like "added USS Macon to Airships category".


This index lists sub-categories of the CATEGORY NAME category. Each category may be 
further divided into sub-categories.
<table width="95%">
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Do not add anything above this line -->
<!-- =================================== -->

<tr><td><!-- [[PAGE_NAME | --> CATEGORY NAME <!-- ]] --> </td></tr>

<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Do not add anything below this line -->
<!-- =================================== -->
If a cachet category is missing from this list or if no page is associated with 
that category (ie, the name is not an active link), then either 
[[Contact_Us | contact the Curator]] or edit this page yourself and fix it. See
[[Editing_Other_US_Navy_Index_Pages | Editing Other U.S. Navy Index Pages]] for 
detailed information on editing this page.
<font size="-2">Copyright {{CURRENTYEAR}} Naval Cover Museum</font>

You need to make a couple of modifications before saving the page.

First, you need to find the following line in the template:
This index lists sub-categories of the CATEGORY NAME category.
It is the fourth line above the
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Do not add anything above this line -->
<!-- =================================== -->

You will need to change this line and give appropriate values for CATEGORY NAME. For example, if the page you are creating is for category Receiving Ships, the line should look something like:
This index lists sub-categories of the Receiving Ships category.


Notice that the template includes a generic "inactive link" template for adding sub-categories.
<tr><td><!-- [[PAGE_NAME | --> CATEGORY NAME <!-- ]] --> </td></tr>
You can copy and paste it as many times as needed and then replace "PAGE_NAME" and "CATEGORY NAME" with appropriate values. If you need the link to be "active", just remove the HTML comment tags. For more information, see Editing Other U.S. Navy Index Pages.


If you run into trouble or need to do something a little more complicated, contact the Curator for help.

Don't forget to preview the page before saving it and please add a short description of the change in the Summary text box just above the Save / Show buttons at the bottom of the page. A short description would be something like "page created".


Copyright 2025 Naval Cover Museum