Cachets By Category

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This index groups Naval Covers into categories. For a Naval Cover to belong to a category, it must have either a cachet or some other relevance to the given category (eg, killer bar text). Each category may be further divided into sub-categories. Note that more than one category may apply for any given cover.


Note: This page is still named "Cachets By Category" although its scope has been expanded to allow any cover with relevance to a given category - even if the cover does not have a cachet.


Aleutian Islands Survey - Alaskan Service
American History Commemorative (Non-Naval)
San Francisco Bridge Events
Dates and Holidays
Fleet Events     (Problems, Reviews, War Games, Presidential Cruise, etc)
Jet Mail
Location Commemorative
Naval History Commemorative
Olympics Participation
Operation Deep Freeze (All Years)
Person Commemorative     (Military, Non-Military, Real and Imaginary)
Port Visit
Ship's Cachet
Ship Events     (Keel Laying, Commissioning, Decommissioning, etc)
Ship Stats
Special Postmarks    (CD-1 thru CD-11)



If a cachet category is missing from this list or if no page is associated with that category (ie, the name is not an active link), then either contact the Curator or edit this page yourself and fix it. See Editing Cachet Category Index Pages for detailed information on editing this page.


Copyright 2025 Naval Cover Museum