Editing Ship Pages

From NavalCoverMuseum
Revision as of 17:16, 15 August 2016 by GregCiesielski (talk | contribs)
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A Ship page contains information for a given ship. It is divided into four separate sections:

  1. Ship Name and Designation History
  2. Naval Covers
  3. Postmarks
  4. Other Information

As this is the most complicated page in the Museum, it is best to edit each section individually rather than try to edit the entire page. Notice that to the far right of the title of each section is an [edit] link. If you click on that link, the page editor will open up and allow you to edit just that section of the page.
If this is the first time the page is created, after copying and pasting in the template (see Ship Page Template), change only those sections where you want to add information and leave the others as-is. Someone else will come in and update those sections later. For example, if you only want to add covers but not postmarks, then update the Naval Covers section and leave Postmarks alone. Don't update a section if you don't have any information for it.


How to update the "Ship Name and Designation History" section
This section lists the complete set of names and designations that the ship had during its lifetime, in chronological order, starting with the earliest (oldest) and ending with the latest (newest). Typically the Museum Staff will fill in this section so you do not need to worry it. Just leave it as-is. For the record, each entry uses the following template (all the text inside the box just below with the border made out of blue dashes):


"SHIP NAME and DESIGNATION" is the name, designation, and hull number of the ship. Let's take the example of USS Ampere ADG-11. It was launched as USS Drake AM-359 but its name and designation changed to YDG-11 before it was commissioned. Two and a half years later its name and designation changed to ADG-11. Seven years later its name changed to Ampere but its designation stayed as ADG-11. Its "Ship Name and Designation History" section should have the following entries:

<li>USS Drake AM-359</li>
<li>USS YDG-11</li>
<li>USS ADG-11</li>
<li>USS Ampere ADG-11</li>


How to update the "Naval Covers" section
This section contains links to pages that display covers associated with the ship. "Associated" means that the cover either has a postmark from the ship, a cachet mentioning the ship, or killer bar text mentioning the ship. In the case of the cachet or killer bar text, the cover can be postmarked on some other ship or location.
Since a ship can have many covers associated with it, the covers may be split among many pages. That way, a page wont have so many images that it takes forever to load. Typically you will only need to create the first link and page. The Museum Staff will add new pages when they notice that a given page is getting too big.
To add the first link and covers page, follow these four steps:
Step 1: On the ship's page, click the [edit] link at the far right of the "Naval Covers" section title. This will bring up the page editor showing the page code for just the Naval Covers section.
Step 2: Look for the line

<li>[[SHIP_NAME_Covers_Page_1 | Covers Page 1]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(DATE RANGE)</li>

and change the values for SHIP_NAME and DATE RANGE as described below.
"SHIP_NAME" is the name of the ship and should have the form: "<Ship Name>_<Designation>_<Hull Number>". For example, the ship name for USS ALLEN M. SUMNER DD-692 is ALLEN_M_SUMNER_DD_692.
"DATE RANGE" is the range of dates for covers on that page. The date range should be expressed in the form: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD. If you will only be adding one cover, then just use that one date (YYYY-MM-DD) or you could just put the year (YYYY).
Once you've made all the modifications, you will end up with a line that looks something like this (continuing the USS Allen M. Sumner example from above):

<li>[[ALLEN_M_SUMNER_DD_692_Covers_Page_1 | Covers Page 1]]
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(1931-10-03 to 1933-04-01)</li>

Step 3: Preview and then save the page if it looks ok.
Go to the bottom of the outer page (the one that contains the edit window) and click on the "Show preview" button. You should see the link you just created but it will be in red to signify that no page exists yet for that link. This is how it is supposed to look at this stage.
If you need to make some corrections, hit the browser Back button (or back arrow) to go back to the page with the edit window.
Once everything looks ok, go to the very bottom of the page again and add some descriptive text in the text box next to "Summary". Something like "added ship cover page 1" would be ok. Finally, click the "Save page" button. The page is now saved.
Step 4: Create the Ship Cover page using the new link.
Once the page is saved you will return to the Ship page and see the new ship cover page link in red. Click on the red link and you will be taken to the ship cover page in edit mode. Note that the edit window is empty. You need to copy the Ship Cover Page template from the Ship Cover Page Template help page, paste it into the edit window, and modify as needed (follow the instructions on the template page).


How to update the "Postmarks" section
This section lists examples of the postmarks used by the ship. Postmarks should be listed in order of their classification type. If more than one postmark has the same classification, then they should be further sorted by date of earliest known usage. A postmark MUST NOT be included unless accompanied by a close-up image and/or an image of a cover showing that postmark. In other words, do NOT list a postmark unless you have an image to back it up.
There are four main steps you need to do to add a new postmark entry to the page. The first is to edit the Postmarks section. Second is to copy the template lines and paste them the right place. Third is to modify the template lines with information relevant for your new entry. Finally, preview and then save the page if it looks ok.
Step 1: On the ship's page, click the [edit] link at the far right of the "Postmarks" section title. This will bring up the page editor showing the page code for just the Postmarks section.
Step 2: Copy the text that is inside this box (the box just below with the border made out of blue dashes).

<!-- ============== -->
<!-- ============== -->
<table width="95%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="center" valign="center" width="140">
</td><td align="center" valign="center" width="100">
</td><td align="center" width="350">
</td><td align="center" width="100">
<!-- === End of Postmark Entry === -->

Now find the existing postmark entry that the new postmark entry should follow. Add a blank line after that existing entry's <!-- === End of Postmark Entry === --> line and paste the template lines on it.
Step 3: Now, you need to change some of the values in the template text you just pasted.
First you need to find the following line in the template text you just pasted:
and replace it with the postmark classification. See the page on the Locy System for help in classifying postmarks.
Next, find the "DATE FROM" and "DATE TO" lines and replace them with the usage date range for this postmark. Date ranges should be based ONLY ON COVERS IN THE MUSEUM and NOT from any other source. If there is only one example of the postmark in the Museum, then just set the FROM date and leave the TO date as a question mark. Dates should have the format: YYYY-MM-DD
Finally, find the following line:
You need to replace this line with an image link to the front of the cover (the side with the postmark). An image link looks like:
but you need to replace "IMAGE_NAME" with a name that uniquely identifies the image. For example, if your Museum userid is Xyzzy and the cover is postmarked on the battleship Pennsylvania BB-38 on Oct 12, 1934, then IMAGE_NAME should look something like this:
When you put it all together, the entire line will end up looking something like:
That's the minimum you need to do for step 3. However, there are two other values that you can set if you want to.
a) Postmark closeup image: This is a closeup image of the postmark. This is optional but if you want to do it, then you need to replace the
line with an image link:
b) Notes: Finally, if you have anything special you want to say about the postmark, replace the "NOTES" line with your comments.
This is the end of step 3. Here is an example of an entry with the postmark, date range, and front image link filled in.

<!-- ============== -->
<!-- ============== -->
<table width="95%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="center" valign="center" width="140">
3s (AC-TBT)
</td><td align="center" valign="center" width="100">
</td><td align="center" width="250">
</td><td align="center" width="100">
<!-- === End of Postmark Entry === -->

How to update the "Other Information" section
This section lists any other information that might be relevant to this ship. If you have information about the ship that you feel is valuable, add it here.
Step 1: On the ship's page, click the [edit] link at the far right of the "Other Information" section title. This will bring up the page editor showing the page code for just the Other Information section.
Step 2: If no Other Information has been added for this ship yet, you will see the following line:
This section lists any other information that might be relevant to this ship.
Erase this line and leave it blank. Go to step 4.
Step 3: If one or more Other Information entries already exists, find the last one and add a blank line after it.
Step 4: Copy the following template. Each distinct piece of information uses this template.


Step 5: Paste the template on the blank line you created in either Step 3 or Step 4.
Step 6: In the template lines you just pasted, replace "INFORMATION" with the information you want to provide. If you want to do something beyond just plain text, contact the Curator for help.
Step 7: Preview and then save the page if it looks ok.
Go to the bottom of the outer page (the one that contains the edit window) and click on the "Show preview" button. You should see the link you just created but it will be in red to signify that no page exists yet for that link. This is how it is supposed to look at this stage.
If you need to make some corrections, hit the browser Back button (or back arrow) to go back to the page with the edit window.
Once everything looks ok, go to the very bottom of the page again and add some descriptive text in the text box next to "Summary". Something like "added ship cover page 1" would be ok. Finally, click the "Save page" button. The page is now saved.
If you have questions or run into trouble, contact the Curator for help. You can always Cancel an editing session using the "Cancel" link just to the right of the "Show changes" button at the bottom of the editor screen. For general editing help, see the article on How To Edit Pages.


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