MAUI ID 1514

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Ship Name and Designation History

This section lists the names and designations that the ship had during its lifetime. The list is in chronological order.

    Built 1917 by Union Iron Works, San Francisco, CA

  1. MAUI (Commercial Service)
  2. Owned and operated by Matson Navigation Co.
    Official Number: 214861
    Acquired U.S. Navy March 6 1918

  3. USS MAUI ID-1514
  4. Commissioned March 6 1918 - Decommissioned September 8 1919
    Returned to owner 1919

  5. MAUI (Commercial Service)
  6. Operated by Matson Lines
    Acquired by U.S. Army 1942

  8. Operated as Troop Transport by U.S. Army

  9. MAUI (Commercial Service)
  10. Transferred to Maritime Administration 1945

    Scrapped 1948


Naval Covers

This section lists active links to the pages displaying covers associated with the ship. There should be a separate set of pages for each incarnation of the ship (ie, for each entry in the "Ship Name and Designation History" section). Covers should be presented in chronological order (or as best as can be determined).

Since a ship may have many covers, they may be split among many pages so it doesn't take forever for the pages to load. Each page link should be accompanied by a date range for covers on that page.

  1. Covers Page 1     (1932)



This section lists examples of the postmarks used by the ship. There should be a separate set of postmarks for each incarnation of the ship (ie, for each entry in the "Ship Name and Designation History" section). Within each set, the postmarks should be listed in order of their classification type. If more than one postmark has the same classification, then they should be further sorted by date of earliest known usage.

A postmark should not be included unless accompanied by a close-up image and/or an image of a cover showing that postmark. Date ranges MUST be based ONLY ON COVERS IN THE MUSEUM and are expected to change as more covers are added.
>>> If you have a better example for any of the postmarks, please feel free to replace the existing example.


Postmark Type
Killer Bar Text

Thumbnail Link
Postmark Image
Thumbnail Link
Cover Image


Military Post
Office Postmark

Hoboken NJ

(letter date)

A "coming home" card. The doughboy, having been through a "big storm," cited the ship as a "small steamer" and even cited its dimensions! The ship had no postal facilities.


USPO Machine

Honolulu, Hawaii

Purser's mark




Other Information

NAMESAKE - Named for an island in the south-central Hawaiian group named for the chief mythological hero of the Polynesians



If you have images or information to add to this page, then either contact the Curator or edit this page yourself and add it. See Editing Ship Pages for detailed information on editing this page.


Copyright 2024 Naval Cover Museum