Cachet Maker John C Gillespie

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Revision as of 20:21, 16 October 2018 by GregCiesielski (talk | contribs) (Added 1 cover)
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Cachets should be listed in chronological order based on earliest known usage. Use the postmark date or best guess. This applies to add-on cachets as well.


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Killer Bar Text


Locy Type SLP3 (51x4)
Naval Hospital Mare Island California

Christmas Day

Cachet by C. Wright Richell and sponsored by John C. Gillespie. Gillespie is ANCS 44.


USPO Type 6
"Norfolk Naval Hospital Br."
Portsmouth VA
USPO Type 9v
USPO Type 9w
USPO Type 9x
Naval Hospital Norfolk Virginia

Collectors Request

Cover request by John C. Gillespie. From the Tom Kean collection.



USS R-18 SS-95 SL

Locy Type CD-Z5

USPO Type 9
"Section Base Sta."
New London, Conn

Collectors Request

Cover request by John C. Gillespie. From the Paul Huber collection.



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