From NavalCoverMuseum
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Ship Name and Designation History

This section lists the names and designations that the ship had during its lifetime. The list is in chronological order.

    Clemson Class Destroyer
    Keel Laid 13 August 1918 - Launched 18 January 1919

    Commissioned 5 August 1920 - Decommissioned 20 February 1930

    Stricken from Naval Register 18 November 1930
    Sold 1932 and broken up for scrap

Naval Covers

This section lists active links to the pages displaying covers associated with the ship. There should be a separate set of pages for each name of the ship (for example, Bushnell AG-32 / Sumner AGS-5 are different names for the same ship so there should be one set of pages for Bushnell and one set for Sumner). Covers should be presented in chronological order (or as best as can be determined).

Since a ship may have many covers, they may be split among many pages so it doesn't take forever for the pages to load. Each page link should be accompanied by a date range for covers on that page.

  1. USS Farquhar DD-304 Covers Page 1     (1928-1929)



This section lists examples of the postmarks used by the ship. There should be a separate set of postmarks for each name and/or commissioning period. Within each set, the postmarks should be listed in order of their classification type. If more than one postmark has the same classification, then they should be further sorted by date of earliest known usage.

A postmark should not be included unless accompanied by a close-up image and/or an image of a cover showing that postmark. Date ranges MUST be based ONLY ON COVERS IN THE MUSEUM and are expected to change as more covers are added.
>>> If you have a better example for any of the postmarks, please feel free to replace the existing example.


Postmark Type
Killer Bar Text

Thumbnail Link
Postmark Image
Thumbnail Link
Cover Image


Locy Type
3s (AC)





Locy Type 5s




Other Information

NAMESAKE - Rear Admiral Norman Von Heidreich Farquhar, USN (11 April 1840 - 3 July 1907)
Farquhar attended the U.S. Naval Academy during 1854-59. After graduation, he served with the Africa Squadron until September 1861. Lieutenant Farquhar spent most of the Civil War off the U.S. Atlantic coast and in the West Indies, serving in the Gunboats MYSTIC, SONOMA and MAHASKA and the Cruisers RHODE ISLAND and SANTIAGO de CUBA. He was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in mid-1865, a few months after the fighting ended, and was on duty at the U.S. Naval Academy from then until September 1868. For the rest of the 1860s and into the next decade, Farquhar served in the warship SWATARA, was Executive Officer of USS SEVERN and USS POWHATAN and Commanding Officer of USS KANSAS. He also had two tours at the Boston Navy Yard on ordnance duty and as Executive Officer. Advanced in rank to Commander in December 1872, Farquhar spent nearly five years at the Naval Academy. He commanded the Training Ship PORTSMOUTH in 1877-78, and the Steam Sloops QUINNEBAUG and WYOMING in European waters in 1878-1881. Five more years of Naval Academy duty were followed by torpedo instruction at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1886. From May 1887 until her loss in the March 1889 Samoan hurricane, Captain Farquhar commanded the steam frigate TRENTON. He then served on several of the Navy's boards and, in March 1890 became the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. During 1894-97, he was Commandant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, Commanding Officer of the cruiser USS NEWARK, and President of the Naval Examining Board. While holding the ranks of Commodore and Rear Admiral, Farquhar was Commandant of the Norfolk Navy Yard in 1897-99, commanded the North Atlantic Station during 1899-1901 and was Chairman of the Lighthouse Board in 1901-02. He retired from active duty in April 1902, upon reaching the statutory service age limit of 62. Rear Admiral Farquhar died at Jamestown, Rhode Island, on 3 July 1907.

The ships sponsor was Mrs. J. Reed.



If you have images or information to add to this page, then either contact the Curator or edit this page yourself and add it. See Editing Ship Pages for detailed information on editing this page.


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