North Carolina ACR 12 Covers Page 5: Difference between revisions

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Added 1 postcard
added 1 cover
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Copyright 1907 by H. Muller. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.
Copyright 1907 by H. Muller. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.
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1916-09-01<br/>Locy Type 3<br/>"BOSTON / MASS" 
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Sailors Mail 
Real Photo Postcard. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.
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Latest revision as of 03:21, 26 June 2018

Return to USS Charlotte CA-12 (ex North Carolina ACR-12) Main Page


Covers should be listed in chronological order. Use the postmark date or best guess.

Each entry provides a link to the image of the front of the cover. There is also the option to have a link to the image of the back of the cover if there is anything of significance there. Finally, there is the primary date for the cover and the classification types for all postmarks based on the Locy System.


Thumbnail Link
To Cachet
Close-Up Image
Thumbnail Link
To Full
Cover Front Image
Thumbnail Link
To Postmark
or Back Image
Postmark Date
Postmark Type
Killer Bar Text
Cachet Category



c 1907

Ship Postcard

Jamestown Exposition. "The illustration of the ship is wrong. It shows only three stacks, it should be four." Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan collection.




c 1910

“Remains of late Embassador of Brazil, Sr. Nabuco,
on Board USS North Carolina”

Brazilian Ambassador Joaquim Nabuco died in Washington, D. C. on January 17, 1910. Originally his body was to be returned to Brazil by the USS Montana ACR-13 but this was changed to the USS North Carolina ACR-12. A January 27 message from the Secretary of State P. C. Knox to the Brazilian Chargé said in part “--- The Secretary of the Navy informs me that the commanding officer of the North Carolina has been ordered to arrive at Rio de Janeiro on the forenoon of Monday, March 7,---“. This would date the photo sometime between January 27 and March 7, 1910.
More research indicates that Brazil accepted President Taft's offer to transport Nabuco's remains from Washington DC to Hampton Roads VA aboard the Presidential Yacht Mayflower on February 14. Photo was probably taken upon transfer from the Mayflower to the USS North Carolina. Research & Illustration courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard




c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jim Hanson Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

ARA = American Recreation Association. Courtesy of the Jim Hanson Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jim Hanson Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jim Hanson Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Culebra Cut, Panama Canal, Published by I.L. Maduro, Jr. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

In Dry Dock, real-photo postcard. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



c 1908-1912

Ship Postcard

Published by the Valentine Souvenir Co., New York. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



Locy Type 2
USCS Postmark Catalog Illus. N-20a
USS North Dakota BB-29

Sailors Mail to the
USS Constellation

Copyright 1907 by H. Muller. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



Locy Type 3

Sailors Mail

Real Photo Postcard. Courtesy of the Jimmy Jordan Collection.



If you have images to add to this page, then either contact the Curator or edit this page yourself and add them. See Editing Ship Cover Pages for detailed information on editing this page.


Copyright 2025 Naval Cover Museum