
From NavalCoverMuseum
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The following people have contributed scanned images and/or knowledge to the Museum:


  1. Paul Bunter
  2. Creator of the Naval Cover Museum
    Member of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society
  3. Jim Davenport
  4. Member of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society
  5. Ford Ross
  6. Contributor to the Naval Cover Museum
  7. Steve Shay
  8. Naval cover collector since 1970
    Joined USCS in 1995
    USCS Secretary from 1998 - present.
  9. Marc Dollinger
  10. Professor of Management at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
  11. Tom Bougher
  12. Contributor to the Naval Cover Museum
  13. Jon S. Burdett
  14. American Philatelic Society 1989 APS # 155266
    Universal Ship Cancellation Society 2003 USCS # 11619
    Pearl Harbor Survivors Association 2002 PHSA # 40018-X (honorary)
  15. Greg Ciesielski
  16. Member of the American Philatelic Society
    Member of the American First Day Cover Society
    Member of the Military Postal History Society
    Universal Ship Cancellation Society 2005 #11879
    USCS Life Membership, 2008 #L-11879
    Fmr. Vice-President, Christopher Columbus Philatelic Society
    Self Published author of two books
    Columbus Day & USMC collector
    Assistant Curator of the Naval Cover Museum
    Contributor to the Naval Cover Museum
    Curator of the Naval Cover Museum (2015)
  17. Michael Hebert
  18. USCS Member 7913
    Computer Generated Add-on Cachets
  19. Richard F. Hoffner
  20. Past Board of Directors member, USCS
    Past Secretary, USCS
    Past Treasurer, USCS
    Two time past president, USCS
    Honorary member, USCS (Member # H-4456)
    Cachet maker, Stephen Decatur Chapter #4, USCS
    Contributor, Naval Cover Museum
  21. George Marcincin
  22. Contributor, Naval Cover Museum
    Universal Ship Cancellation Society Member #8768
    Past Chapter Coordinator, USCS
    Active member of the Stephen Decatur Chapter #4 USCS and have served in various Chapter Offices and Capacities. I am currently our Chapter Vice President and Archivist collecting specimens and data on all of Rich Hoffner's cover printings throughout his many years.
    Cachet maker, GM Cachets


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