Variant h and j Examples

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Revision as of 23:25, 13 October 2005 by NCMSysop (talk | contribs) (added examples for variant j)
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Variant h

Variant h indicates that the cancel design is in heavier (thicker) lines than normal


The following cancel is classified as Type 5hks


The following cancel is classified as Type 5s

The above example is provided to show a Type 5 cancel with normal line thickness in comparison to the h variant.


Variant j

Variant j indicates that the cancel design is in lighter (thinner) lines than normal.


The following cancel is classified as Type 6j


The following cancel is classified as Type 5s

The above example is provided to show a Type 6 cancel with normal line thickness in comparison to the j variant. Granted, the USS Richmond cancel is light and partially obscured, but is seems like the difference between the two is very subtle.


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